To: You
From: Love
Date: Now
CC: Higher You, Lower You, Ego, Super Ego, All The Roles You Play
Subject: Just Relax
Hey! Relax. Life is not a task, you’re not in a race, there is no deadline you have to
meet, so just relax.
There is no right way to do this, no perfect way to be. You’re totally unique, so you’re
always perfectly you. You are the freedom you long for, freedom is this happening.
I’ll let you into a little secret. There is no love separate from you, this is complete just
as it is.. even in its apparent incompleteness. You cannot lose at life, because you are
life. Life is not something to be a success at. You are always totally, 100% successful
at being, simply being life. You cannot fail at being this, whatever this is.
And those really unpleasant, painful feelings that seem to happen to you, well, if you
really look at those experiences you’ll never find yourself in them. You’ll find a whole
lot of sensations and thoughts and stories and opinions… but you’ll never find you in
any of those experiences.
You were never really touched by any of it, never damaged in any lasting way. You
and I were never separate to begin with and never will be. I will love you for eternity
and I will never, ever leave you simply because I am you and you are me.
We’re one.
So… just relax.
Although I know this “memo” I felt deeply moved in my heart during reading it again.
Thank you, I am glad to know you.
With love from me to you